Home :: Training Courses :: Professional seminar on the introduction to professional water damage restoration and drying of buildings

Professional seminar on the introduction to professional water damage restoration and drying of buildings

Professional seminar on the introduction to professional water damage restoration and drying of buildings
Our price: EUR 98.00
including MwSt
Quantity Out of stock
  • Product details
    "Further education costs time and money. No further education can cost head and neck !"
    Professional seminar on the introduction to professional water damage restoration and drying of buildings
    Saturday 18.05.2019 from 10:00 to approx. 14:00
    Only EUR 98,00incl. MwSt/VAT and incl. Shipping freight

    This specialist seminar is aimed at beginners and newcomers who would like to expand their range of expertise in the direction of moisture damage and the associated typical building drying. The course covers the basic knowledge and predominantly a typical practical orientation with regard to technical building drying. Afterwards, each participant receives a personal certificate confirming that they have been properly instructed in this area.

    Course contents:

    - Typical damage patterns and damage analysis
    - The right machines / the right tools
    - Effective procedures for damage repair
    - Possible side effects and further services
    - Questions & Answers


    - Approx. 4 hours of specialised training at our premises (see course contents)
    - Maximum 9 participants
    - Drinks during the training
    - Certification of the participants by Aktobis AG

    Training location: Aktobis AG, Borsigstr. 20, D-63110 Rodgau

    SKU Fachseminar2
    Manufacturer Aktobis AG
    Weight 0,10 kg
    Shipping Company Kein Versand
    Our price: EUR 98.00
    including MwSt
    Quantity Out of stock

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    Customer Reviews

    1 4.6
    • Author: Dennis P.
      Ein wirklich interessantes und aufschlussreiches Seminar! Habe es nicht bereut, teilgenommen zu haben.
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    We will ship with Kein Versand, to make sure your Professional seminar on the introduction to professional water damage restoration and drying of buildings will arrive safely!

    Shipping to will cost EUR 0.00

    The shown Shipping costs are estimates as it depends on your exact address. These estimates do not include shipping to islands or remote areas. You will be shown the correct shipping cost in the check out process.
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