Home :: Spare parts & consumables :: Replacement filter for the WDH-660b air purifier :: Large complete package for WDH-660b & WDH-988b

Large complete package for WDH-660b & WDH-988b

Our price: EUR 58.00 In Stock
including MwSt
Quantity Price*
2-4 Items 55,10
5+ Items 53,36
including MwSt
  • Product details
    Large complete package for WDH-660b & WDH-988b
    Only EUR 58,00incl. MwSt/VAT and excl. Shipping freight

    This complete package contains the following items suitable for the WDH-660b and WDH-988b air purifiers: 2 UV lamps, 2 HEPA filters, 2 combi filters, 2 jasmine fragrance cartridges, 2 lemon fragrance cartridges.

    SKU GPAK WDH-660b
    EAN 4260196719391
    Manufacturer Aktobis AG
    Weight 0,90 kg
    Shipping Company UPS
    Our price: EUR 58.00 In Stock
    including MwSt
    Quantity Price*
    2-4 Items 55,10
    5+ Items 53,36
    including MwSt

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    Großes Komplettpaket für WDH-660b
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    Customer Reviews

    1 4.0
    • Author: Reiner L.
      Finde ich sehr gut von Ihnen, dass Sie direkt so ein großes Paket mit allen wichtigen Ersatzteilen anbieten. Die Lieferung war innerhalb eines Tages bei mir.
  • Shipping cost
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    We will ship with UPS, to make sure your Large complete package for WDH-660b & WDH-988b will arrive safely!

    Shipping to will cost EUR 3.50

    The shown Shipping costs are estimates as it depends on your exact address. These estimates do not include shipping to islands or remote areas. You will be shown the correct shipping cost in the check out process.
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